Swimming lessons are taught in an indoor, heated pool by highly trained and qualified instructors. Lessons are conducted in groups of 2-5 children, depending on their level of skill & confidence, for a duration of 30 minutes.
We are qualified, experienced LTS Instructors affiliated to SwimSA and active members of WPA.
We teach children from 12 months of age.
Fees are R50 registration and R320 per month per person for once a week lessons. ALL FEES ARE DUE IN ADVANCE.
House of Knowledge learners are transported during school hours. Swimmers are required to have a costume and a towel marked with their name on it which remains at the swim school. We provide caps and goggles on deck.

Sports Hub is a Foundation PhaseSports program that aims to bridge that gap between fundamental skills and playing the sport. The programtargets pre-primary and foundation phase students.
We use the Long Term Player Development (LTPD) model to assure appropriate physical development for each age.There are six (Netball, TAG Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey) sports used in the Sports Hub program. The aim is to develop each learner through exposure to skills, sequences and match simulations that in time will form the base of competitive team sports (and perhaps more importantly,instil a love to play).
The Sports Hub is based on the following non-negotiable principles:
- Qualified coaches
- Age appropriate, stage specific program
- Maximum of 1:10 coach to learner ratio
- Child centred teaching but sport specific coaching (LTPD)
- Suitable equipment
Each fundamental movement lesson consists of 4 Skills, 2 Drills and a Match simulation. These lessons take place during school hours with a 40 minute session once a week. Sports Hub fees are R100 registration (including t-shirt) and R450 per term.

Madrassah lessons are available for our Muslim learners. Lessons take place Mondays to Thursdays during school hours on the school premises. Learners are taught about Islam, the sunnahs of the prophet s.a.w and how to read Arabic with the use of textbooks and surahs. Our madrassah teacher is trained to teach and work with young children.
Fees are R80 per month. Textbooks and surahs may be purchased at school.